Frequently asked Questions about becoming a Cyber Security Apprentice.

Where can I find an apprenticeship in Cyber Security?

Use our quick and easy search function to find an apprenticeship in cyber security then register to become an apprentice.

Do I have to have previous experience in Cyber Security?

You don't need to have previous Cyber Security experience, if you did the chances are you are already qualified. However you will need to have previous experience in the technology world such as Hardware and Software to be able to understand how the systems work.

You can gain this experience by completing an IT apprenticeship at the Intermediate and Advanced Levels.

FAQs about Cyber Security Apprenticeships
Who recruits apprentices in Cyber Security?

Cyber Security Apprenticeships are offered by many of the leading organisations in Defence, Banking and online retail companies to name a few.

Any company that holds a large amount of information will surely have a cyber security division.

How long does a Cyber Security apprenticeship take to complete?

A cyber security apprenticeship takes between 3 - 6 years to complete depending on the level you are studying. Most cyber security apprenticeships start at Level 4 and 6.

How much will I be paid as a Cyber Security apprentice?

The average salary for a cyber security apprentice in the UK ranges between £18,000 - £26,000 depending on where you live in the UK.

Do I have to do an apprenticeship to become a Cyber Security consultant?

No you don’t. You can become qualified as a cyber security consultant by completing courses that offer the relevant qualifications such as CISMP or CISS this can be done through an employer or a training company.

Visit our dedicated information page to find out more about Cyber Security Apprenticeships

Cyber Security Apprentice FAQs about Cyber Security Apprenticeships
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